Photo ideas for Hallowe’en

It’s Halloween weekend so what better time to get out and capture some moody night time or ghostly images to enter in the competition!  Here’s a few ideas for you to try over the coming weekend.

1. Capture a historic castle against the moon

Scotland is known as the Land of Castles so we are literally spoilt for choice, and with the moon in the sky right now, it’s the perfect opportunity. From iconic castles like Eilean Donan and Edinburgh to small Castles like Balvaird, there are hundreds of opportunities to capture images for the competition!

2. Capture silhouetted people in black and white

Silhouettes of people in the landscape or in the city, when against a moody sky or street lights make great images, and they’re eligible for entry in the competition too! Wet nights produce great contrasty images. Here’s an example above to whet your appetite.

3. Take a night shot of a spooky tree

Trees are great subjects for moody images. With the moon in the sky right now, and if the skies are clear, you can capture great images. Trees in our towns and cities are every bit as moody at night as those you find in the countryside. Use your imagination, find a great tree and get a great photo to enter the competition.

4. Capture blurred ghostly people

You don’t need to wait till night time to capture blurry movement in your images. Set a slow shutter speed of a second and you are all set to go. The long shutter speed will give just enough movement to blur the image making for a ghostly mood. Try lone figures or capture many people moving in a city or town. Try tunnels along canal paths, between buildings or under bridges where the light is typically low. Use your imagination and shoot in day or night. We can’t wait to see your great photos.

5. Capture star trails behind an iconic building

If you are out and about and blessed with clear skies then stars set against a familiar landmark or an iconic building make for great night time images. It’s dark early doors at this time of year so you have many hours in an evening to capture these type of shots. Try shots of a few seconds to shots of a few minutes (or even more). Get out there and get snapping, and we really hope you get some great images to enter in the competition!

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