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The prize for best landscape shall be awarded to the photographer, who in the opinion of the judges, has submitted the best overall single image in this category. Entrants must be 18 years of age and over to be eligible. Multiple entries are allowed.

Runner Up

Highly Commended

What are we looking for?

We are looking for an image that captures the beauty and essence of the Scottish landscape and your image should represent a natural inland view. Photography is highly subjective but you should understand that some basic guidelines will be in place for the judging process. In general, we will be looking for excellent combinations of subject, composition and light. Technical criteria such as image sharpness and correct exposure may also be used to evaluate images but it should be stressed that intentionally blurred or under/over exposed images are perfectly acceptable. What is more important is that your images evoke mood and capture the attention of the judges. Diversity is something we will be looking for in your submissions so bear that in mind.

Critique and opinion:

Before submitting your images, we recommend that you get your friends and colleagues to review or critique your images. In addition, posting your images to social media websites and asking for comments or shares is an excellent way to gauge the quality of your images. If many people like your images then it is an excellent indicator that your images are attractive.


Inspiration for your images may be drawn from music, poetry or a visit to a museum or art gallery. The works of Robert Burns for example may inspire you to capture an image along the lines of one of his poems. Make a point of visiting an art gallery to gain an appreciation of how artists compose and capture light. Inspiration can also be found in tourist guide books and of course there are many excellent photographers to draw inspiration from. The works of pioneering photographers such as Ansel Adams or Galen Rowell provide a great inspiration to many photographers.

The following may be also helpful when taking your image:

Please do not submit:

Acceptable media

Digital, film, traditional print and alternative process images are allowed but your submissions should be in digital jpg format only via the competition website. Film, ttraditional print and alternative process images may be submitted from scans of colour transparency, black and white, colour negative or traditional/alternative pringt. All images should be processed as per “digital adjustments and processing” section.

Digital Adjustments and Processing

All digital adjustments are allowed and we will be as flexible as possible, but should not alter or affect the integrity of the image – use your own judgement. In the event you are shortlisted for the final round, you may be asked to produce the original RAW* file(s), the original camera jpg, the original scan or the original film media. If your image is in the running to win the category or a runner up’s place, we definitely will ask for your RAW file.

Respecting the landscape.

We respectfully ask that when taking your images you show care for the environment and respect the interests of others. When out and about taking your photographs for the competition, we ask that you abide by the Scottish Country Access Code. Links to the Country Code are listed below.

Country Code Summary

Country Code in Full