Craig Aitchison
2015 Overall Winner

Buachaille Etive Mor
The Great Herdsman of Etive – dominates the solitude of Rannoch Moor and the entrance to Glen Coe. It is one of Britain’s most recognizable mountains and a favourite location for landscape photographers. After a long wait in changeable conditions a gap in the cloud finally opened and I managed to make a number of exposures before the light disappeared and the snow showers resumed.
Taken on the Hasselblad Xpan with 45mm lens using Velvia 50 film.

Loch Tulla
Arriving early at the shores of Loch Tulla under typical spring like conditions, I had hoped that a rainbow might appear at some point during the morning. Soon after setting up, the mixture of sunshine and showers merged briefly to produce a perfectly placed low arc rainbow exactly where I was looking. Surprised, I quickly made a number of exposures before the transient moment vanished and I returned to my car astonished at my luck.

Loch Etive
On a perfect early Autumn morning I found myself on the shores of Loch Etive. After a six and a half mile cycle from Inverawe I arrived at Rubha Àird Rainich to an air of absolute stillness and quiet. Surrounded by the mountains of Lorn and these pristine conditions I felt it a privilege to be alone in such an environment. Aware that these moments are rare I immediately set my camera up to capture the extraordinary scene. This was the very first frame I took as minutes later the wind picked up and the perfect reflection vanished.