Aleksandra Radzikowska
2024 Highly Commended

Glen Affric
Glen Affric is an amazing place showing you what an ancient Scottish glens used to look like. A couple of lochs dot the landscape. I took this photo during an autumn afternoon amazed by the contrast of golden lone tree at the edge of a little island on the loch and the dark foreboding backdrop of wooded bank of the forest. A rare touch of light provided even more depth to the image and the still water reflected this beautiful autumn foliage.
Sony a7 riii Sony 70-200 mm @200 mm f4.0 1/1000s

West Beach, Berneray, Outer Hebrides
This beach has to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, stretching for miles along the west bank of a small island of the Outer Hebrides. I was the only person in that location during a sunset in late April. I could clearly see the dark clouds coming over from over the Harris mountains but decided to stay out nevertheless. A touch of light illuminated the golden sand of the beach and the marram grasses for merely a couple of seconds before it started to rain but I managed to capture this beautiful moment with my camera.

Rannoch Moor
I took this image on the last weekend of April when the whole weekend saw me experience sunrises of freezing temperatures but on the last morning of my stay in the Glen Coe area, I was planning to be in a different place but towards the morning the rain came. I was still wanting to witness the day begin so I looked outside and saw blue skies towards Rannoch Moor. I quickly jumped into my van and drove the whole length of Glen Etive and towards the lochans of the moor chasing the elusive light until I got to a lay-by overlooking the iconic range of mountains. As the sun began to hide behind the clouds to give way to the rain, illuminating the rusty grasses and giving it the richest and most beautiful deep colours, I managed to grab an image or two thus commemorating one of those moments that make photography worthwhile.
Sony a7iv Sony 24-70 mm @69 mm f8.0 1.6s