Bearsden photographer scoops 2023 Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year title.

Press release winners slpoty9

Bearsden-based photographer, has won the grand title of the Scottish landscape Photographer of the Year awards with a winning portfolio of 3 stunning images shot in the Scottish Highlands.

The Competition, now in its ninth year has bounced back after fears during the pandemic that it was looking at closing down through lack of tourists and restrictions on photographers being allowed to travel to their favourite locations. Competition founder, Stuart Low said “The travel restrictions and lack of tourists was my biggest fear throughout the pandemic because photographers would struggle for new material and the revenue loss from tourists would be huge, but tourists have come back and photographers adapted by capturing images in and around their local areas. This year we’ve seen many new places that haven’t been showcased before and it’s been a huge privilege to judge all their amazing images”.

The Competition was given a huge boost in January when a dedicated exhibition space was created especially by main sponsors Bonnie & Wild Marketplace in the James Centre, Edinburgh. The exhibition space is now the largest exhibition of landscape photography ever to be held in Scotland and comprises traditional prints, full wall based murals and an array of digital slideshows throughout the entire venue.

In addition to the grand title, The Awards consists of several other categories including awards for the best single landscape, seascape urban and weather images, and despite the war in Ukraine and cost of living crisis, it attracted over 4000 entries from the Uk and across the globe.
Stuart Low said “ Once again, I’m humbled by the huge support shown for these awards by the landscape photography community. These awards mean so much to them, so much to the public and so much to me. I’m sure this year’s collection of stunning images will touch many people’s hearts.”

The winning images will be showcased in a limited edition book and exhibited at the the new St James Quarter and some smaller galleries in the Scottish Highlands throughout 2023.

Book – The Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year – Collection 7 by Breeze Media. £27.ISBN: 978-0-9935413-6-0

Available to pre order at

Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year (overall award)
Landscape Award
Seascape Award
Urban Award
Monochrome Award
Four Seasons Awards – TBA
Scottish Weather Award – TBA
John Muir Trust – Wild Places Award (10 winners receive an individual award) TBA

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